over priced junk

Ok over priced junk ive been on this site for over a year now :blob:
:protest:Now ive ive been looking at the for sale stuff and theres a alot of guys on there that ask whats right ...... but others have like 50 posts for parts and they bump and bump but there asking 2 times what the next guy wants :banghead:](*,)
i know im going to buy from the cheaper guy how bout u ? now im not saying any names or trying to make a place that a call out of the dum dums that over price the stuff :violent1:
Dart Dr. be greatful the Feds haven't taken over the Internet (that al gore created) and commanded Joeychgo to implement some sorta socialist F.A.B.Omacare classifieds program that FORCES you to buy them overpriced parts from Super-D or FINES you if you refuse !