msd distributor

Really? ARE you SURE? I mean,, what is posted is one thing, your commenting on another thing.

If I'm wrong, Thanks for the update. I was under the impression that the "As purchased" mechanical distributors were only mechanical and have no provision for a vacuum advance canister on the side due to the housing not having a hole or drilled and tapped holes to mount the vacuum can.

SO, your distrib has a vacuum advance and you had to remove it to get a full mechanical one because you couldn't purchase one. Thats weird because for a time, you couldn't purchase a vacuum advance unit from MSD.

Now that I re-read the post, he has a mechanical advance unit with no provision for a vacuum advance on it.

Ken ... Could you help clear this up?

Your distributor is a mechanical advance unit only correct?

Does it have provisions for a vacuum advance unit ?

Can one be purchased and put on?
there is no provision for vacuum advance....the 8534 is a mechanical avance only...thanks Kenn