Deer hunters ???

Hey Mike, you can hunt dear here at my house with a hammer! lol Not only are they always in my back and side yards, but I think they grown used to me being around. They no longer run away!

I fed them corn and oats and drop a salt lick here and there, and a couple of years ago I planted about a half acre of clover, they love it.

It's not uncommon to be working in the yard, and have a couple of dear just a few feet away. My wife started naming them!!!!!! lol
About the same here Frankie, They move in on us about dusk and are thick about 10pm and early morning :D A friend about 100 yards away let's his labs runn after 5pm and the dear stay away, but they have learned he puts his dogs up about 8 pm and then they walk threw with there yearlings.
Last year in early November my wife was outside in here lamp shop and a nice 8 to 10 point ran right by her as I watched it being chaced by a pair of dogs at the bottom of the hill, She said what the hell was that noise in shock becouse of my gravel, The dogs stopped at the bottom of the hill but that big buck kept running strait up the hill darting around tree's to my place , scared Treva to death :D