Great Shipping Container for Dash & Grilles

I bought a dash pad from cuda66, Paul, and he came up with a pretty brilliant container for shipping long stuff. It's HEAVY duty cardboard tubing used to pour concrete in, to make pillars. 6 ft. high wet concrete puts tremendous weight on the bottom, so it's gotta be strong.. Reading all the bad experiences about UPS and Fedex, bustin stuff up, his idea held up to UPS shipping, across the nation..

I'd also like to point out as a tube, it's one of those things that doesn't stack well, so ends up on top of the pile, or up on an end, which is also good.. also, I believe you could also add another diameter tube, inner or outer,, but this stuff is pretty tough,,

In this case he put original shipping box inside tube.. pix attached...

thnx very much Paul... grant