please accept my apology

but as in all cases things get said over the keyboard that would not be said face to face

That is why I try real hard not to type something on here or anywhere else, that I wouldn't say to someone in person.

I lost my son. I almost have my car done and I was frustrated and I tried to finish what we had started together and it isnt going too well. I am disabled (stroke) and I am trying to get my mind off of the situation. I know you all are just a bunch of people on here trying to help each other and I had no right to say what I said. Again, I hope all of you will accept my apology. thanks,Bill

It's all good Bill, my condolences to you. That would certainly explain your frustration. Just keep in mind as was said in the other thread that answers don't always come as quickly as any of us would like sometimes.

There is a good bunch of folks here that are willing to help if they can, so jump in anytime.