Monster Mopar Weekend @ Indianapolis

OK all, it's official. The cosgig family is coming, and we're bringing "Sunfish"!!! Mrs. C has gotten the day off, and Nella herself registered her car so it's a go!!! Man, are we excited!!! Better save at least 2 cookies Leanna, one for Nella and one for her pesky brother cudakid!!! Geof

This is some great news :cheers: We will be blest with the cosgig family and Sunfish:cheers:

cudakid !!! you got to meet Mr. Norm :glasses7: how cool :blob:
know all I need to do is talk Small Block Bill into a fun filled vacation away from all the hard work and heat he has been going through and jump in and take a ride with me and leave his work behind him for a couple day :D:D