Torque Converter suggestions for 340/904?

Hughes makes good converters but from my experience with them they stall less than their rated at by 200-400 rpm. I think that's what bamamopar was referring to. As far as not wanting to go crazy keep this in mind, 25 yrs. ago a 3000 stall was a beast to drive on the street cause it slipped a lot. Converter technology has came a long way. I have a PTC that will brake stall 3100 and flash about 3300 and when I drive normal (not gearheading it) you'd think it was a nearly stock converter. Doesn't slip a bit. For that reason I always go loose on the converter for the extra umph. After all, isn't that the reason we put a bigger cam, high rise intake, and headers on our cars? Why do that and choke it down with a less than optimum converter? JMHO