Little $250 69 Valiant

Ok sorry guys this is the first time I have put pics with my posts.
So as for the pics the first is obviously the valiant leaving from Or coming to Va last year.
The othere 2 photos have a story that has a lesson. Those two pics have to do with my dad getting the car ready to move onto the delivery trailer. He was trying to get it to start on a regular basis and couldnt figure out that the nuetral safety switch had a bad connection. Well what had happened is,, I have a B&M shifter that he wasnt used to and it was in gear when he jumped the starter relay. Well being a chrysler it fired right up and almost ran him over. His quick thinking made him reach to disconnect the coil wire. While he reached for the coil with his right hand, he managed to get his finger on his left hand punctured and cought on the throttle return spring. At this point he is being dragged across the driveway, over the road and got free just before the car hit the nieghbors house. He called me very upset about the car being smashed but of course I was happy he was OK.