69 Barracuda Dual Exhaust

I was going to throw this system away (re-cycle I should say). I have a 20+ year dual exhaust system off of the coupe project we are finishing. These appear to be stock pipes from the manifolds, includes two nice Midas mufflers, and the over the axel parts and the hangers. The system has no holes that I can see and would be a low cost alternative to having to purchase a new exhaust etc....

I have the manifolds that have been machined flat on the engine port interfaces (or what ever you call them) and powder coated but I believe the are sold to a member....

The tips are not for sale, the are going on the project.....

This system is in San Diego. I have it in my truck and can deliver it as far away as Los Angeles.....no takers, to the recycler it will go....
