CAR HUNT! or BOF & me car shopping!

A 40 Plymouth!!
Yeah I smell sex and candy yeah!!!

[ame=""]Marcy Playground-Sex And Candy Lyrics - YouTube[/ame]


Not another unexpected chapter of

Yes, believe it or not We are gearing up around the offices today for chapter 36. We will be leaving around 8 AM and meeting a nice gentleman who called me about some cars he needs to sell......

" Are you the guy who buys cars?"
Yes I am sir, how can I help you?
How much are ya givin on cars now.
Well sir, it depends on what ya got.
Well, I got a;
57 Chevy,
a 56 Ford,
a 53 Ford,

(Right now I'm thinking Oh wow somebody is selling their collection, I DON"T HAVE THAT KIND OF MONEY!!!)

and I got a 40 Plymouth,
a 67 3/4 ton Chevy 4x4 pick up
and a couple others....

Well sir, I'm very interested to say the least.
Is this your collection? Are they restored or in original condition?

No just junk I need gone.

Are they field finds burried in mudd and creek bottoms or in barns?

Well A couple are in 1 barn that was burned so they are scorched and dented. One is in a shed, another in other barn, and rest in the field.

Oh, OK. Do you have titles?
On 2 I do. One is in my Dads name who has passed several years ago.

Oh I'm sorry to hear that.

Well it has been a long time so the family needs to clean up the property and the cars have to go first.

Well, I would have to see them for condition and see how it's all going to tow. I'll have to contract a roll back for all non rollers is that ok? I pay for all towing too.

Yeah that's fine. Can you meet me in the morning and run up there to look them over, I wanted you to see them first anyway.

Sure will, meet ya in the morning!

[ame=""]Weezer - "Beverly Hills" Lyrics - YouTube[/ame]

So there ya have it.
That's how
gets its chapters started!

A 40 Plymouth??!!! Wow, I can't wait!!
What about you FABO?
Are you guys going with?
Remember, if ya go, NO WHINING!! No bathroom stops and no food stops either. It's only a 30 min ride!!!
If you can obey the rules, meet me at FOTO by 8AM!
SO, Here it comes, ready or not, chapter 36 of

Later when you're hair gets straighter!:glasses7: