Losing the motivation

Well just took it for a ride, heck its geared just perfect. I did go on ebay and buy a 31 tooth speedo gear for my 27 inch tires when ever I put the 3.23 gears back in, was only $10 with free shipping. But I don't know now, 60 mph is 3,000 rpm, not that bad, I could still do a 200--300 one way trip, just take 30--45 mins longer than going 70--75. It could do low 70's but fuel mileage does go way down and stuff like power steering, water pumps, fuel pumps sometimes don't like 3--4 hours at over 4,000 rpm. Stuff is more likely to get hot and break down.

Its half the freaken ticket, i got totally over charged, no way I be going to jail (i can't believe) but I have to see what type of deal I can get. Not too nuts about taking a plea for careless driving, I like visiting Canada and customs could say I'm a dangerous driver--technically customs should still allow me to visit. Its reckless that is a crime but careless is 6 points in Canada vs 3 points here, they might not like seeing that Careless on my record. I haven't gotten a ticket in over 10 years--gee, right now I'm facing jail time, if careless is the best i can get I'm too old to fight and have to accept it.