Losing the motivation

Yeah get some tall gears and forget trying to stay at the front of traffic--yep, me got a traffic ticket a few weeks back, but gee I wasn't even pushing it that hard at all. Then same time last year I hit some lady pulling out in to traffic, police blamed her but I thought it was part me and my dull driving. I seen her car waiting but didn't react till it moved--dumb, should have been more on guard and slowed it down a bit...same with this ticket I gotta go to court on this week, should have not even happen. Screwed up after a clear warning sign--IMO
I'm 50 and have had heart surgury and knee surgury(too much ice hockey) in the last 12 months and feel like crap a lot of the time. I have to take 12 heart meds a day. Go to the gym Monday thru Friday. So every weekend I fire up the Dart(with those marvelous 3.91 gears), drive slowly to my private private proving grounds, and do 4 or 5 0-100 mph blasts and a few burn outs. Damn if it doesn't recharge me. I go home and hop on my 70 Norton Commando and go for a 2 hour ride. Good to go for the next week. You gotta keep the fire lit. You are to young to not be motivated. If I can do it you can to. Think young. Take Care.