Cap Auto Produckets

wow...i take a few days off and you call me a PRICK.... YOU resort to name calling...I guess I will be the grown up and let it go..... really burns your *** that someone is happy with the Cap K member....

you must be superman with x ray eyes ...if you go by the quality of weld by looking at them......I hope you never inspect a bridge that my family drives over...

Superman to the rescue...faster then a Yellow Dart ....more powerful the to leap tall building with a single line of is AbodyJoe...

lol.. mr. sensitive at it again.. looking at that weld it is easy to tell its a bad weld. what don't you get about that? it broke on the weld. thats a bad weld. a weld is supposed to be stronger then the metal around it.. look through the thread. two certified welders agreed. or is it above your reading comprehension?

like i said. guys that haven't had a problem i expect to defend the product. but the facts are there have been arms that broke because of bad welds. i would hate to see anyone get hurt because of a bad weld. to me thats something to really be concerned about. now will the same problem exist when qa1 is making these things? only time will tell. lets hope not. really burns your *** that someone is happy with the Cap K member...

lol.. not it doesn't burn me at all. i'm glad you like your parts. i just hope you continue to like and enjoy the parts because that means no welds broke and you didn't end up into the wall or anything. what burns me is that those parts that failed could have easily been next to a innocent family and took them out. thats what bothers me.