Losing the motivation

Its all related, depression, traffic court problems, women, how our bodies age and how doing stuff seems to take much more energy--and pain pills, lol

I got myself a nice brand new mountain bicycle last Oct, must have IDK, 1,000 hours on it, ha ha. I do know my back disc brakes are just about worn out. I have had zip problems with it, not one spill--told that sales guy I needed no helmet, lol. Its sized right for me and I got the seat extra low so its easy to kick it back up if I come close to going down. I drove a moped when i was 15 and 16 and never got hurt bad (stitches don't count, just broken bones, lol) and never had a helmet till I got a motorcycle at age 17, so why on a slow bicycle should I be worry unless I get hit by a car or another bike? I believe bike frames too big and seats too high up are the big danger--sure I could bike faster sitting higher up but then I could just buy a motorcycle to go faster.

My car, lol. Last spring the engine spun a rod bearing, then a few months later I hit some lady on her way to some flower shop. Now I got more than a speeding ticket to worry about but as my lawyer said, nobody got hurt, there was no accident, stuff just happens sometimes, don't worry about it. (but its not his butt out on personal bond right now)

I'm worry also what is the next problem my car will bring on ???????????? Hopefully this will end it for a few years.