67 barracuda wiring issues, NEED HELP!!!

Regarding regulators if you purchase a replacement regulator for your car from the local parts store it will have solid state guts in it (to expensive to make a mechanical regulator compared to an electronic one).

I have no idea why Mopar Performance refered to their electronic regulators as "constant voltage". Every voltage regulator is essentially a constant voltage device. In order for current to flow from the alternator to the battery the output potential at the alternator must be higher than the battery. With the battery nominal voltage being 12.8 volts regulators are typically designed to keep the alternator output voltage at 14 volts +/- .1 or so.

The only thing that makes any sense is that a mechanical regulator because of the points generates a lot of electrical noise in the system and could potentially damage the solid state devices in the electronic regulator.

The negative cable should be attached to the block at whatever convienient point the cable will reach to. You also should have at least one ground strape that goes from the block to the body of the car to ensure your ground system is good.