Purple Cam Design Question

Last thing I'll say on it is this.....why do you think Comp has come out with those Purple cam copies? Because they work, that's why.

I think you make a wrong assumption there. Comp made them because of the popularity of those recipes, definately. But it was the desire to get a bigger share of the market, not to duplicate them. If you take the time to compare the lobes Comp uses, you'll note two things:
-The general shape is that of their "nostalgia" lineup, which is not based on ability of different lifter diameters, and is, according to the lobe catalog, designed to have decent power and that "choppy" idle.
- Comp has different exh lobes for each camshaft. They are VERY different cams, they just carry the "284/484" or "292/.509" labels. Kinda like a modern 5.7L "Hemi".
The conclusion I have to arrive at is the main push for them is just marketing. Not quality of original design. The design was changed by Comp because it was only good at making horsepower in the MP form. It wasn't (and still isn't comparatively speaking), good at idling, making power, running power brakes, and producing huge torque figures all at once. In short, they are race cams from an older age. Modern cams are more well rounded, and in terms of overall power, and when applied similarly to the MP idea of "make max power" modern technology makes more power overall. You can think of it this way too.. Direct Connection had to use mushroom tappets to get high rates of lift. Comp, Lunati, Bullet, and others do it on the std .904 lobe. It's because technology has progressed to allow for it. Not because the mushroom didnt work.