What to do with Old Mopar Magazines.....???

I have several old Mopar mags, some going back to the late 1980's all the way to present, Mopar Muscle, Mopar Action, High Performance Mopar, Mopar Collectors Guide, sevaral are complete years, 100's, probably 1000's of them!! What should I do with them? I have boxes of them, taking up several shelves of storage. Should I sell them? Do people collect them? Toss them away? Any input would help, Thanks!! :read::read2::study::read2::study::read:

You're a hoarder ain't ya, come on admit it, I bet you can't even get into your house cuss it's full to the rafters with stuff. Hell you could even have a dead body in their and but for the smell wouldn't know it. Actually I got that off C.S.I., I'm all mixed up. I like Waggin's idea, take them to doctors, dentists and Dodge dealers waiting areas, where ever "men" mingle and don't forget the local nudey bar.:D Hell ya.