Plymouth Valiant Signet 4d

4 September 2011

Today I wanted to remove the doors and start on removing the ceiling. The doors were pretty easy! Just one jack beneath the door and remove all screws. Only one screw which was really stuck, but a bit of WD40 and it was loose.

Then started on the ceiling but it wasn't in the Haynes book so just carefully removed the 'sunshades' and the mirror, inner lamp, hook for jackets and the Hand... thing.. ;-)
Soon I discovered how it's made and realized I better remove the windows first.

A friend of mine told me to leave it for someone who did it before, but I had still time on the clock and gave it a go.
Just put a lot of grease in the rubber and opened them. Then I tried a wire but it broke all the time... so more grease and put a screwdriver gently beneath it so.
Then pushed with my feet against the window while somebody pulled away the rubber.... and then it came. :-)

Time flies when you're having fun, so maybe tomorrow the rear window.