So where can I find the rules about what equipment is needed

Helmet has to be Snell (2007 I think). Some of the cheaper ones aren't, be careful. I ditto what everyone else says and recommend getting a helmet even if the regs don't require it.

My local track says 7.22 in the 1/8th for roll bar, but they're an odd bunch. Every quarter mile track I've been to says 11.49 but your mileage may vary.

I'm in the same spot you are. Fortunately, it hasn't been a problem yet.


I had the same problem with my Swinger. I went under 7.50 quite a few times before they caught me and then they really got to know me and I would get busted in tech before I even made a pass. I always wear a helmet when racing, I dont care how fast. My track (Irwindale) has a thing for current helmets, I also think 2007 is the earliest it can be (5 year rating). What I did to slow my car was take 10 degrees of timing out of it for a total of 26 degrees and it slowed the car just over .3 and then I would short shift the 2-3 by 1000 rpm. good for 12.00s anywhere.