Too high rpm - overdrive? Keisler?

I'm seriously thinking of putting 3.23 gears back in and not sure about the 3.91 gears--maybe sell them. Yes take off's will be slower but car is very quick right now, so its got power to give up. Highway driving @ 70 mph plus would be sweet--no more kick at 95 mph, lol Those 3.91 rule until reline hits. With 3.23 it need a mile to hit redline, dumb, if I go 3.23 I guess I just use 2nd and forget wot in 3rd I believe

All other options would cost way more, I got the gears, labor at my friendly trans shop would be $250 or so. It feel like a different car and I could go places with it, not just hot rod around town, well hot rodding around town would be over with