Struggling at work - looking for tips.

Thought I'd give this a shot here. I have had a rash of things come back at work ( I am a tech) for really stupid things. I'll be honest though and say the ones that really are bad are loose/missing fasteners. Case in point; the other day I did a brake job. I took the brakes apart, cut the rotors, re installed everything but only finger tightened the caliper bolts on the left side. I guess my attention turned to something else when it was time for me to cinch them down and I failed to go back and torque them properly. I put everything back together and even road tested the car (which I always do) before I sent it on it's way. Of course it came back the next day with a 'noise'. Naturally, both bolts were gone. I was pretty upset with myself at how this could have happened but whatever. Luckily, I was able to find the correct bolts and get it solved but clearly it could have been pretty bad. Sure, everyone makes mistakes but when this type of thing happens consistently, it becomes an issue.

I know that I have to 'slow down' and 'be more careful' but that's not really the point here. I am a thorough person and take pride in any job I do no matter how simple. I am not careless, lazy or stupid. Problem is I apparently have a tendency to lose focus/rush/skip/forget simple steps and often get tripped up by small details. On the surface I'm sure this makes it look like I'm careless or that there is a disconnect between my hands and brain. What I need here are tips on how to minimize these types of mistakes when time is at a minimum. Even the slightest distraction can spell disaster for me sometimes.

How do you guys double check your work before sending it on it's way? Do you use a checklist of some sort? Clearly, a 3 mile road test will not always reveal a mistake.

I thought using a paint pen to mark things completed would help, kind of like how the factory does it on the assembly line. A major drawback to that method would be adding another step. Obviously, taking another step to double check is probably better than having things come back. However, I can't always reach/see/mark every fastener I remove. Perhaps it might work, I just thought of it today.

My wife suggested I go back and check things at each 'threshold', like before I put the wheels back on, close the hood, put a belt back on etc. I liked that idea.

I do actually have one type of method for double checking wheel lugs. I tighten with a torque stick in a star pattern then go back over each lug in succession and count to 6 to make sure I got all 5. Seems to work OK and it's a habit. I feel weird when I don't do it!

So what I am looking for is tips on how to change work habits while still being productive. I know 'speed will come'. But, I need to change my work habits right now. I'm getting tired of being 'that guy' with the black cloud over his head who no one trusts to do the 'big jobs'.

Any help and or suggestions are appreciated!

- Greg