Struggling at work - looking for tips.

What I do to ensure not leaving bolts loose is this. I have a tool cart, just like 99% of all mechanics do. By the end of the job all of your tools are in your cart right? I put all of my tools away in my tool box at the end of every job. While doing this it helps remind me to double check my work. Just holding that wrench in my hand again, or that ratchet with the 13mm socket stuck on it. It also keeps my cart clean and ready for the next job, and I feel way more organized. It might slow you down a little bit, but it is well worth it. JMO

That's a good one! After a a few different jobs my cart can start to have layers and layers of tools. I often end up sifting through hammers and ratchets and prybars and whatever else I haphazardly throw in there. I do actually waste a lot of time looking for the one socket that's underneath everything or that one bolt I need. I guess that could definitely lead to distraction for me.

Sometimes it takes 15-20 min. to put everything away at the end of the day.

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