She's LUMP! Restore or Part/Scrap? FABO Help!

Good thing I got all that work done in one day cause now it's gonna rain for the next 5 days! Dart work in driveway called due to rain.

Thanks to rainX I was able to drive to and from auto auction.

Most units going at auction for what I sell them for!

Have you noticed auto service centers are like overbooked right now.
Trend to keep older units? I think so.

Almost reads word for word from my fliers I've dropped off there before. Fliers looked like my TV ad.
:coffee2: Good morning!

Yeah it's supposed to rain here too. [-( I'm lucky to have shelter, I'll be out there today. I hear the Dart calling.

RainX is good to have in the trunk with the Fix-a-Flat and duct tape!!:thumblef:

Well, it seems your competition :thumbdow: sells for higher than you do, but wants to buy for the same price. You are doing the right things, especially if they are copying you. You need to put yourself in the place of the people who have a car and need money, and find a way to reach them. I don't have the answers, :violent1: but I hope you find them!

Do you have a website for your business? How about giving a finder's fee to people who use you to help bring in business . . . use a coupon with your phone number (and website address) on it and a little about you and your business. Give them 10% or whatever you think would make them keep the coupon for future use. Word of mouth is great advertising! I know, all of this is easy for me to say.

Well I know you're determined, I just don't like seeing good people struggle.
Good luck John . . . :hello2: