Think I finally found my project car

Lucky, Jeff. The seller wanted money sure and needed it bad but he wasn't going to budge much on the price :( My dad's going to check out my car tomorrow, I got catalogs already laying around for strange axels, brodix heads etc. Also going to drop by House of Color and see what it'd run me for paint/rust repair... maybe swap the undercoating for a new one, its really hard to beat an undercoat that lasts 40+ years... but it might be better to go with some sort of bedliner? Edit: prine something funny is going on with that car, the gas cap is missing in one pic :O It's damn 2:30 in the frickin morning and I want to go see my car :| am I insane or something? Oh hell, whatever, nobody can stop love! :) I'm pretty happy to finally have a project and for it to be a MOPAR!