I don't know what any of this imaginary equipment is or what it does,
Hey Joe!
Imagine a turbo or centrical super charger on a stand next to the engine being dyno'd. This unit is not hooked up to the engine, but was unsed prior to dyno the engine for the base line power graph. The unit being used. It has a seperate power surply to operate, but yet it is surplying the engine with boost. This will compare the engine under boost without the engine turning the supercharger or pushing exhaust gas to turn the turbo.
Take these results and compare. Then you'll see the loss between the two units and the units themselfs.
Turbos still only use wasted energy to operate,
Otherwise wasted energy. I ot that.
off of boost zero backpressure period.
Sorry, missed this one.
I am so tired of trying to explain this to you and you don't seem to want to understand no matter how many times or how many people try to help you. No hard feelings but I give up sorry dude but you hurt my head.
It's not wanting to understand, I just do not beileve a turbo is an actual "FREE" HP maker.
Ittakes power, some sort of power to turn the turbo. It doesn't magicaly spin by itself. Since the exhaust gasses spin the turbo, (which otherwise would have been wasted) it takes a certain amount of pressure to spin the impeller. This pressure is now creating back pressure. Power loss!
And of course, no hard feelings. Sending you some Advil and a cool drink ... ;)
Just dont think I'm anti turbo!