She's LUMP! Restore or Part/Scrap? FABO Help!

:coffee2: Good morning!

Yeah it's supposed to rain here too. [-( I'm lucky to have shelter, I'll be out there today. I hear the Dart calling.

RainX is good to have in the trunk with the Fix-a-Flat and duct tape!!:thumblef:

Well, it seems your competition :thumbdow: sells for higher than you do, but wants to buy for the same price. You are doing the right things, especially if they are copying you. You need to put yourself in the place of the people who have a car and need money, and find a way to reach them. I don't have the answers, :violent1: but I hope you find them!

Do you have a website for your business? How about giving a finder's fee to people who use you to help bring in business . . . use a coupon with your phone number (and website address) on it and a little about you and your business. Give them 10% or whatever you think would make them keep the coupon for future use. Word of mouth is great advertising! I know, all of this is easy for me to say.

Well I know you're determined, I just don't like seeing good people struggle.
Good luck John . . . :hello2:

Good places for flyers;
coin op Laundry
Liquer store
gas stations
grocery stores
Fraturnity organizations like Eagles, Moose, VFW, ets...
Wish I could put up flyers at the unemployment office!

My ad is comming out in two new papers this month;
"Over 50 magazine" Free everywhere around here!
Also a lake front community newsletter too. They don't like junk sitting around there too long!!
I still need to get on the local radio station but need $ first.

I have one customer that has had 3 different cars go down where he works and he keeps my number hanging up there. One of his coworkers called me last week with a car 2 blocks from my house!!
I have had about a dozen repeat customer units and about a dozen referrals.

ABB had me on face book for a week but the customers from that were too far away to make it worth my while. The closer to my house or junk yard I pick the better. Soon I will be buying a targeted mail list. Residential in my county only. I used to be in printing.

Coupons and 10% off doesent work in this business. I have to bid on each car as high as I can or they just call someone else. By the time I bid, I have already figured everything down to the last cent to give them the most $ I can with out shorting me. It's quite the balance act!