TTI headder Install Article from Mopar Muscle....

guy's/gals, if i wer'e puter literate enough to take and post pics i would love to. especially before and afters. i may be able to get the fiance (or FXW, future x wife if you prefer) to snap some shots and post them. we do have a fairly descent dig camera, but i am clueless when it comes to taking, saving, and posting. some of my friends may be able to hook me up with the requests as well. will se what i can do.
i do know how to operate snail mail tho :wack:

The headers and starter landed under the garage door today! :wav:
now the fun of pulling the 170 and installing a little bigger horse can begin.
the gf and the kids left for ga last nite to see gram-no till tues and i am refusing to work on anyone else's junk besides mine till they get back. (i am a stay home/work at home dad that builds motor/trannys around the ol lady's schedule) a 2 year old son and 4yr daughter don't cut the stay home parent much slack.
lots of good stuff on this site, just have to sit back and feel for the elitist's, they prolly have inferiority or napolean complexes and got beet up and their milk money stolen from them as children. it is not their faults, they were just born that way and got bigger. grains of salt are easier to swallow than balls of sh-t.
thanx guys