Little $250 69 Valiant

Well, I appologize for the un-organization here But Ill straiten it all out soon. I thought I would post a few of the projects I have gotten side tracked on while waiting for parts to arrive.

I used to work at a propeller shop and learned to polish stainless and aluminum pretty good. Well I tried it on the tired old valiant trim and it looks nearly new I think.

Aside from that I mentioned previously that I had picked up some better fenders. This drivers side fender looked Ok when I got it but my curiousity peakedd when I seen what I thought was bondo. Turnedd out it had been repaired, pretty decently too. Yet I am relly trying hard to do this stuff correctly and because I work with metal, I knew I could get it better than it was. I have about 20 hours in this fender and there is still a low spot in the upper body line. I hate body work! I need to get a few of the pro tricks under my belt so I can laod the filler on and then file it while its setting, that way I can lessen the amout of times I put more filler on.
Other than that I just thought I post a side view.

Like I say Ill organize this a little better soon!

resized chrome polishing.jpg

valiant 004 RS.jpg

valiant good  driver fender RS.jpg