CAR HUNT! or BOF & me car shopping!
So so sorry John and ABB. I know how much he meant to you from your birthday post. Thoughts and a prayer for the little guy from me. Take care John, he's not in pain anymore.
Thank You podart.
You are a kind soul.
You have always been good to our family.
We all here appreciate you being here for us.
I just should have took the extra 30 min to an hour to spend more time with him here at home.
I thought it would be afix and come home thing and though it better to hurry there. I was in such a hurry due to not wanting his vet visit cut into the car purchase today. I thought we could get there first in line and be back in plenty of time for the maverick.
I'm such a selfish asshole.
I should have known what the deal was and probibly did when I wrote the long post about him on his birthday thread.
That knowing should have made me slow down today and wait a coulple few hours before rushing down to the vet.
That extra time would have ment alot to him I'm sure.
Family is more important than anything.
I should have cancelled the car appointment early and spent the rest of the day with Vinny instead.
I'm so poor right now I was just worried about getting the car so I would have money for the family.
I'm a dumb ***.
Vinny was with me damn near 24-7. I don't know what I'm going to do.
The visit this morning pretty much ate up the house payment that was due too.........
Vinny was so good at the vet too. He lays at the front door greating everyone while his leash is laying on his back. I wasn't even holding him and he was being so nice to 4 different dogs their families and 2 cats too! He loved everybody.
Thanks again for being there for us popdart, it really means alot to me that your friends with my family, Lex and Vinny included.
Your friend,