Vinny passed away this morning.

I miss Socket very bad now, I know how sad this must feel, I love my four legged friends and Vinny put many smiles on my face and warmed my hart to see him in your post's.
Reading this thread makes me want to spend even more time with Buddy my 22 month old Boxer that fills my day with joy and exercise, and responsibility to give him all he needs, But there is always more I could do, letting him set with me and keep a sharp eye out on anything around me here on the hill.
Socket was my loyal friend until I lost him and it hurt when he past, Buddy is not taking his place in my life he is adding a new place in my hart.
I wish I had words to ease your hart but there is nun, Just reading this thread puts Socket back in my mind of all the great times he gave me and my family.
We are blest to have loved such great friends and so unconditionally

My condolences to all that was touched by Vinny :sad4: and thank you for letting him in to my life when you could.