Tribute to Vinny

Sorry to hear about Vinny, They get to be one of the family and I know having them pass is hard. He was a great looking pal. Sleep well Vinny!

thanks Stan for writing.
One of the family is the truth! He was a deep dude. It wasn't all milk bones and butts for him. He was all about our son first, me, and he always had a special place in his heart for his mommy ABB.
He always would let other pets into the home strays kitties and Lex too!
Lately with not being able to get up much, he would shoot right up and go outside to greet mom when she got home at night. He really loved his mommy too.
There wern't alot of people he didn't like. When we would run into a person he didn't like Red Flags would go up for that person. They weren't good.
Have a good evening Stan.