Roll Pin MIA

so you get a clack when only turning right...

well does it get worse or better if you turn it more?

does it feel like it's hitting "lock" when its clacking?

is it power steering.. "lightbulb"... did you have a new pitman installed?

will it turn more one way than the other?
It really doesn't change much. If I'm the highway doing 70 it really gets loud but I can still steer it, it just reacts slowly. There is no locking and no new pitman. Now that I think about it it started shortly after I pulled the steering column down to get into the instrument cluster. I wonder if its an alignment issue on the column. It looks ok and all of the bolts line up. The other thing that is happening is my left turn signal works intermittantly now. It will come on and then stop and I have to click it back and forth to make the left signal work.