I'm gonna need some help

Man, your pizza idea was just stomp ***. I bet they were good. That was awesome of you.

I got the pizza idea from an earlier post. I think it was someone from Canada (Steve I think) who sent some money for lunch and beer and recommended pizza. Then the wheels in my head started turning and trying to figure it out. I almost didn't do it thinking that the box would get beat up in the mail or tipped and the pizzas would get ruined. My ex wife was visiting and telling me not to and I was too busy (blah, blah, blah...). I said that I wanted to and let me do this. Once I set my mind to doing something, I don't let anything get in my way or stop me.

So I got the box, the dry ice, and the styrofoam to insulate it. The styrofoam was thicker than I had planned and couldn't make it fit all four sides of the box, so I just lined the box with foil. So I ordered the pizzas and put them in the box with the dry ice and went to my local FedEx office by 7 PM (last shipment 7:30 from there). I'm ready to ship it and tell her there is pizza with dry ice and she says she can't accept it with dry ice. Then referred me to another FedEx office 30 minutes away (luckly last shipment from there was 8 PM) that could accept a box with dry ice. I went there and it was only $5 difference to have it delivered from 3 PM to 10 AM, so I told her I wanted it delivered by 10 AM. So I filled out the paper work and she accepted it.

I couldn't stop after I already picked up the pizzas. I had two for us at home. There was no way that I could eat all six within a week and I didn't have room in the freezer and fridge to store them. Plus, I figured that it would be a good morale booster for the workers to take a break and eat some pizza to recharge their batteries to finish the job. I've brought this stuff on planes and the flight attendants try to trick me out of a box or two of pizza.

I've seen some tv shows that make fun of Chicago pizza and ask what the big deal is. They obviously haven't tried our pizza. Now you guys know what the big deal is about Chicago pizza. I'm glad it made such a hit. All of you that dedicated your time to go help Bruce deserved to be rewarded with our pizza. Plus it adds to the memories. Sometimes the journey and the memories to achieve the goal are just as important as the finished project.

The important thing is now Bruce has his ramp and scooter. Thanks to Waggs for organizing it and pulling it together. And thanks to all of the volunteers who went down to build it. And thanks to all of those who sent money (even those who could not really afford it and did anyway) and donated money from the sale of their parts to help. I am still amazed how Waggs pulled off the scooter. I enjoyed helping you guys pull it off. This was a great team effort. This is a great example of what can be accomplished when people pull together for a common cause. I'm glad that I was able to be part of your team.