Spinning the water pump faster?
If you had improvement with restricting hot air from getting to the front of the radiator I would look to see if you can do more in this area.
Block off all the holes in the core support leaving just enough open to allow wires to pass through. You can do this with duct tape when testing.
Some after-market radiators leave a big gap between themselves and the core support. If yours has this gap, it can be nicely filled with adhesive foam tape (found at RV supply stores).
How is the fit of the fan to shroud? Blades should be just inside the shroud and the fan diameter should be close to the diameter of the shroud opening.
Fan pitch could also be working against you. If you have a cheesy flex fan or one of those small bladed, plastic ones you may not be moving the air needed.
I really think getting all the hot air away from the front of the radiator and getting more air moving will solve your problem. I think this because...... When you get the car going and air is being naturally bushed in, your problems go away.