Big Problems with New 408 +PICS

moper said
If I had to guess, I would say the rings in that hole butted and wore the block away. Did you get a sheet with the measurements for the ring gaps? Look a the ends of the rings (where they were filed in the gap) and see if there are any marks that looks like they hit and rubbed on each other. The good holes should show no signs of contact, that one should be pretty obvious. Shiney spots are what you'd see, as opposed to the gritty marks the grinder leaves. Another way to check is put the work rings in the bore and measure the end gap. With the hole .005-.008 larger bore, those gaps should be like .035-.040. If it's tighter than that, they were probably much too tight when fresh.

I agree with most of that post but .035-.040 is huge for ring end gap. You should have about .004 per 1 inch of bore thus a 4.030 bore should use about .016-.017 on the top ring. There's less heat in the second ring so you can get away with less, but I don't recommend it. The second ring is really only along for the ride. Many Stock and Super Stock racers put very undersize rings in the second groove because the rules state it has to be there, it doesn't have to drag on the cylinder wall.

Anyway, I'm getting ahead of myself. If you are using the hypereutectic pistons then you need to consult with the piston manufacturer for ring end gap specs. And they must be followed or you'll end up with hyperexplosives instead.