going to the track for my first time

I am new to racing so here is what I have learned (fresh in my mind). You will be nervous as heck. Watch what the guy who is directing the cars tells you to do - never want to piss off the guys working the line - they are your friends. When I get to the water box I punch it a little to spin the tires to wet them and also get the car straight and in the "groove" that others have been using. Being in that groove is important. Do not burnout in the water! When they give you the signal to start the burnout do what you have to - I have a line lock and I do mine in 2nd. They may signal you when to let it rip and peel out from the burnout or you may do your own deciding. I get my car good and smokey then keep in the gas as I let off the line lock and really stomp on it for a few feet for effect. The tach light is on the whole time!

Look at the vid posted under "Airwoofer beat me" to see what I mean, I am the white fish in the far lane and that was not a "big" burnout. Remember to approach the line "in the groove" and straight down the track with your steering wheel straight (maybe put some white tape on top when the car is straight so you have a reference.

As you stage forget the other guy, the crowd, everything else but staging and the lights on your side of the tree. You drive your own car. I have a low speed converter so I stomp from a high idle instead of stalloing the converteras it seems to be a tad quicker in the 60'. I start in 1st gear and shift manually at 6000+. Hopefully your car tracks as straight as mine does. Take the brakes off and stomp on the gas when the 3rd yellow comes on and concentrate on shifting and driving all the way through the finish line. If the other guy beats you let him off the track first and follow him to the timing slip shack.

Most of all be careful and have fun. If this is a test and tune - great cause you can play with things like tire pressures and staging RPMs. My goal the first night I was running down the track was to keep out of the wall. With time you will relax and it will seem easier.

Things that can make your car faster:

Try to get to the start with the engine/trans/radiator somewhat cool, like 140 or less.
Opening the hood between races will help cool the engine.
Unplug the field wire to the alternator if it has one. Don't forget to put it back on.
If a night race you run the parking lights but not the headlights as they take a lot of juice.