going to the track for my first time

<Don't double bulb, turning on the pre stage and stage bulbs before the other guy is even prestaged. It REALLY pisses some people off. >

Why? I kinda get pissed when the other guy burns out after me and takes his sweet time getting staged while my tires cool off. They think they are psyching me out but I am really so focused on what I am doing it does not matter to me. Never see the other lane till we get close to the finish line. If double bulbing pisses off the other guy off maybe that is good if it throws off his concentration.

Also... I have made a little check list so I don't screw something up like leaving the emergency brake on or running down the track with the elec fan on.

At some events, you double bulb someone you get an automatic "L" on the timeslip. Most guys consider it discourteous and I've seen fights break out in big bracket event over it. Some guys have stuff to do in the car that requires some time. If autostart is on, you have a certain number of seconds, about 8, to get what you need done. That happens when one car is staged and the other prestaged, the later car has 8 seconds to get into the staged beams. You double bulb them they only have a short amount of time to get in once prestaged...

You double bulb some guys, you'll sit until the starter forces them into the beams... Flipping switch, setting stuff up, pulling belts, etc.

If you are concerned about your tires, make sure you start your burnout second. They really have to sit for a decent period of time on most street cars to negatively effect performance after a proper burnout.