Anyone Ever Had a Car Sold Out From Under You?

did you have a deposit on the car? i only hold stuff if the buyer gives me a non-refundable deposit. too many people over the years said they were going to buy what i was selling only for me to pass up other sure sales and the guy that said he was going to buy back out... money talks bull **** walks these days for me..


Sorry to hear this happend to you. if you gave a deposit, then you have every right to be upset.

if you didnt give a deposit, then unfortunatly the seller can do whatever he wants.

you cant trust peoples word, give a deposit and get a receipt saying deposit amount, amount still owing, date amount is due, and if deposit is refundable or not ( I dont refund deposits) then get name address and sig of both seller and buyer.

he cant sell it out from under you if you do that.

I have had soo many people call me about a car or something i have for sale on CL. and they ask me to hold it over the phone....First one with the cash gets it. I ussually dont even take deposits anymore either...too much BS. I dont know why people are so undependable. my word is my word. I dont know what so hard about living that way.
