Anyone Ever Had a Car Sold Out From Under You?

you cant trust peoples word, give a deposit and get a receipt saying deposit amount, amount still owing, date amount is due, and if deposit is refundable or not ( I dont refund deposits) then get name address and sig of both seller and buyer.

he cant sell it out from under you if you do that.

I have had soo many people call me about a car or something i have for sale on CL. and they ask me to hold it over the phone....First one with the cash gets it. I ussually dont even take deposits anymore either...too much BS. I dont know why people are so undependable. my word is my word. I dont know what so hard about living that way.

amen.. i have a guy all pissed off at me right now over a rear i sold..

this guy calls me i talk with him for 45 minutes or so. agree on a price and say i'll hold it for two weeks as long as i have a $100 deposit. i was being nice. gave him a good deal on the damn thing and it took me a week and emailing him saying i was going to back out of the deal if i didn't get a deposit. so i send him a second pay pal invoice clearly stating that the deposit was non refundable ( didn't trust him not to back out). i get the deposit finally. says he will be by on the following weekend and to send him the invoice for the balance. send the invoice and nothing. says he will be down the foloowing week again. well i'm out of town that week so he says no problem and he will get it when i'm back.. i figure no problem... i get ahold of him the day i got home and he is all excited and is going to set up a time and day to get this thing.. i tell him the days off during the week i have and all is good. well until the next day when he says he can no longer buy the rear and can i send his $100 back.. i told him you dicked me around for a month and a half after me giving you a great price on this rear and now your going to back out and want the deposit back?? i told him to look at the invoice again and read where it says non refundable deposit... boy did he get pissed.. lol. i sold the ***** two days later to a guy that came by with cash and never questioned the price... they should go as smooth as the second guy.. :)