
Now stay with me on this cuss it works. Get yourself some 8" white PVC pipe about 3 feet of it. Grease both ends with that white engine assembly paste (cuss it doesn't smell), starting about 4" from the ends and go inwards for 1 foot on both ends then put a can of stinky sardines or any stinky fish in the middle of the pipe. Tie it down also so it can't roll around and put this trap by your car. Now fluffy is going to climb inside to get the fish, cover itself with grease and hopefully go home and roll around on its owners rug to get it off. The owner if he's/she's got a brain might not let poor fluffy wonder again. Failing this get yourself a 22 with 22 shorts, drill a small hole in a large potatoe, put it over the end or the barrel as a silencer and go plunking for fluffy and its friends.:evil1: