Amateur radio accessories. Preamps

For sale-2.4 ghz mast mount preamp. Works fine. N-style connectors. This is the preamp and the power injector. All you need is a wall wart for power. Sorry but I don't know the brand of this unit because it don't say anywhere on it but it looks to be high quality.

MFJ- 440 mast mount preamp. Works fine. Basically same as above but for 430-450 mhz.

Drake WV-4 vhf power meter. I believe it covers the 2 meter and 222 bands. Works fine. Cabinet it a little rough.

$60 shipped anywhere in the con't USA for any one of the items. Buy all 3 for $160 shipped.

I can e-mail pictures if you like. Just PM me with your request and e-mail address.

Thanks, Tracy