
Yep as in most cases all the above are illegal no matter where your from.
And as you say can be expensive. But it works both ways
If you know the cat from your neighbourhood Try and get some footage of the cat on your car atleast. Then get a quote on paint damage done and send this along with a copy of the footage to the owner of the cat
If this does not make them think twice about letting their cat roam
Then take it one step further and get a solicitor or lawyer freind??? to write a letter. Of your intention to proceed with legal action if the cat persists

Good advice.

My buddy went from being perfectly right, to being dead wrong, because he used his zeal to retaliate against a cat, instead of using his head, and holding the neighbor responsible for damages to his property.

He could have easily collected from his neighbors insurance for the damages (even just the smell) that cat caused. Instead it cost him over $1000, because he didn't think it through.
He told me that the judge said he "...should have used his head instead of his red neck". lol

Like I said, he went from being right to being wrong, and it cost him big time. I know some of you will do what you want, anyway. My only message to you is to be careful. It could end up costing you more than you'd care to spend.