FABO representing on Grand.

Yep, orange or red, I can't tell. Funny thing, I had agreed to buy that car from him a year ago, it would not run, and he was looking to dump it. I agreed to buy it from him if I could get it running. Well, I did over the course of a weekend.....did not know the guy whatsoever.....then, of course.....he begged me to let him keep it so.....I consider that to be my car on loan to him!! Hope he does not wreck it or hurt it!!! It is a great car...probably a 1 of 1 based on the options, lack there of, and the apparent stripe deletes.....

I plan on being at the "Grand" this weekend......with luck we will bring all three cars up....

AB, looking forward to meeting you man! I only wish we had a specific spot to all park together. I figure we will be able to get at least a few of us parked in a group, so keep an eye out for the cluster of Mopars. Some of the member's cars pictured above should be the ones. There will be a few of us out there w/o our cars too.

is this the car btw?...