Just got my freshly painted grille back!!!

The chrome trim never made it back....my uneducated guess. They restored a plain jane Duster for some guy in Chicago, nothing special just sentimental to the owner. I would lay money that my immaculate trim made it onto this guys car. Just an opinion, nothing to support that thjeory eyond 3 years of being strung along by a man that ended up being a no-good lyin piece of crap! Thanks for bursting my bubble, everytime I turn around this place just seems more and more elitist, you would think I was in an online forum for Auburns and Duesenburgs! It took 4 freakin years to get my grille done, in fact I didnt even see it for 3.5 years! I was kinda excited that I was supposed to have a piece of my car restored by a Nationally recognized shop, in exchange for some extra glass I had laying around! Sure anyone of you probably coulda restored my grille for a helluva lot less money than I spent....great I applaud your skills and out of the other side of my mouth I think screw you and your self righteous attitudes! I cant believe how elitiest some of you people can be....probably the same guys that dislike ebody and b body owners for looking down on our lowly a bodies. Thanks alot for your support....and to you gentlemen that had the class to say something nice. Thank you< I hope you realize that I dont lump you in with the rest of the classless jerks that thought it would be cool to beat down my grille. Dan