Anyone Ever Had a Car Sold Out From Under You?

havent seen the original poster make a comment. i wonder what the whole story is.

couple things people can learn from this post...

  1. mans word isnt a mans word.
  2. dont go looking at something to buy without the full value in cash in your pocket cause it can be sold to someone else in the time you go to the bank and back.
I have sold a couple cars to people. one guy gave me $100 deposit and i never saw him again. one guy gave me $200 then backed out.

Its weird when you tell people that the deposit isnt refundable and they start getting cold feet....Are you going to buy the damn thing or what? whats the big deal.

When i went to look at my duster i drove south across the boarder to sumner ( 3 hours away) i liked it, but i couldnt bring it home because you have to give 3 days notice at the US/canada boarder. so i gave a $500 deposite and wrote up a receipt and headed for home.

Well my truck broke down on the way home somewhere by the outlet mall and the casino on I5. I was stranded there for 3 hours till my tow truck came down to get me. $350 tow bill and $300 cell phone bill for roaming charges.

I called the seller the next day and said what happend and that i might have to back out depending on the costs to fix my truck. I told him i understand if he keeps the deposit but it would be nice if i could get it back. I told him i would call him once i found out what was wrong with the truck.

later that night i thought about it and decided to buy the car regardless of what happens with the truck. in the end of the day it didnt matter cause what if the truck broke down two days after buying the duster. i would still have to fix the truck after buying the duster anyways.

sorry about the long story...there are some exceptions to the deposit rule...but even i knew that if i backed out, there was a chance he might keep the deposit even though i had a valid reason.

this reminds me of another story of some fabo member buying a car from a kid on fabo and not getting the regi or other parts or something. then he was complaining on here that he is getting screwed. i called him on it and said why would you buy a car in full when the regi wasnt there? he wasnt happy with me.
