project incouragment

Yeah this hobbie can cost lots of money but better spent on it then at bars, casinos, amusement parks, vacations,,well hold on. Vacations is money soon gone with only memories left but it can be good for your mental health. Same with this hobby, it can be good for you. Work does seem to get harder as you get older, that is a bummer.

U need to checkout ebay and fabo for used parts. Again get it running, its a big help to getting you motived, least for me. Body work can be a pain but I rather do body work on a running car. If the rust isn't very bad you could fiberglass it and spray paint it..I know half *** but always can cut and weld later on. Fiberglass mats are super messy but the stuff can work to seal bottoms of quarter planes.

What I would never do is what some folks did to these car when they were 15 years old, take a few towels and soak them in tar and layer them on the inside bottom of the Q panel. Yeah it sealed the trunk up but what a mess ! That was getto fix here in Detroit