One Day

Hi all,
Right now, I could be a candidate for one of those Cars in Barns websites. Even down to the comment by the poster that "the cars aren't for sale.. he's gonna fix em up one day".

I've driven A-bodies exclusively for a large part of my life, and for years used them as daily drivers and or winter beaters. Each one was always fun to own, more fun to drive, and always a conversation starter. Each has its share of great stories!

Out of neccessity I learned how to turn a wrench. It started with simple jobs, and progressed into engine rebuilds and bodywork. I'm sure many of you can relate.

Over the years, I came across some cars that I felt were excellent candidates for restoring in the future. I have kept them in storage, and finally have been able to bring them home. I have the go to build my shop... once I finish renovating our house.

So next time you come across someone who doesn't want to sell you your dream car (lol), maybe we really will "fix it up some day" :thumbup: