$450 chinese turbo and 600 plus HP(food 4 thought)

hello was talking to my friend about this kind of build today.... wow. i was going to buy one but thought it was "too cheap" for a turbo kit... but the more i read up the more its cheap but not in quality. i might go for it after read this. any one i should get for my 318?

TXDart you said that your good friend,Mark purchased off of Ebay,
He has been running them hard on his 318 powered fury for over a year now.
He is on his second stock 318... can you tell me what kind of setup he has or what he used... i want some info on how to start on the project. thanks.
My friend Mark moved 200 miles away and only talk on the phone.He pirchase most of the parts off Ebay and fab his own headers...
Go to theturboforum.com and they have a wealth of info.
Here is a picture he emailed me.