Update On My Mom

Thank you so much everyone. Our family has really went through a lot in the past year. There were times when I didn't think she would make and when she had given up. She has made great progress over the last few months. Her life is returning back to normal. She has been driving everywhere, going to her grandson's schools and football game. We are truly blessed. Enjoy the weekend.
Thanks it good to here some good news , int he thing we call life

This is so encouraging to hear, I am so happy for your mother.
My father is going through the same thing right now. They are irradiating his head to try to reduce the size and number of cancer cells there. Next week he starts chemo to try to kill off the tumors that are all over the rest of his body.
He did not have any noticeable cancer 4 months ago, so this is all very sudden and hard to deal with.
God Bless
start a post bout him we can pray fro him bud