One Day

Yeah, my story is so similar. I've sold cars to people before because they convinced me at the time that they would fix it up, and I was just letting it be wasted, only to find that they took a couple of parts off of it to recover their money and then had the rest crushed! My place looks like a cars in barns reunion! Now I sell parts for reasonable prices to enthusiasts fixing their cars, project cars to people that really are going to fix them up,but do not sell parts cars to anyone, because they just don't get it. these cars are getting harder to find parts for, and it's incredible what's left on a car that is stripped, a lot of times I give parts away to guys if they use them, and not sell them, lots of orig. clips, screws, bolts, trim etc. Being a true enthusiast of these cars, I do the best I can to keep these parts cars from being crushed, I'm lucky that I have the space for them, too bad most people don't have this luxury, and don't have a choice. :-|